I forgot to tell you something as i was quite busy. And i will present one thing i have been busy on. In my previous post i anounced a new Version-Scheme and anounced that i’ll introduce it at a later time. The thruth is, it is already active. I have been busy on something and forgot to do a Post/Blog to keep everyone uptodate.
I didn’t change anything on the concept compared to my previous post, but expanded the Article Versioning Your Package on the wiki.
In other news, the thing i have been working on is the commandlineinterface. It is not yet finished (and is still in a featurebranch), but today i had my first milestone: I was able to install my first package!
The tool is called DPM.exe (DPM is simply for Delphinus Package Manager). You can call it as usuall with the command as parameter directly or as interactive session, which allows you to do multiple tasks(which is handy as no reload of the Onlinepackagelist is required). You’ll have the option to switch the selected Delphi at runtime, list packages, get help and install/uninstall packages.
That’s it for now, back to programming!