LLVM4D: LLVM C Headers for Delphi

Some time ago (haven’t I started another post like this recently?), I translated the C-Header files of LLVM to Delphi. Recently those were updated to support the most recent release of LLVM 10. When I say LLVM, I mean LLVM! Not the entire Clang toolchain, but the backend to write your own compilers. Initially, I […]

Delphinus: Working on per project(folder) installation

During the past few days, I worked on a long requested feature. It’s still rough and needs some more time but they are coming: per project(folder) installations, instead of globally. One thing I really wanted to get done for this feature, was a list of packages installed on a project directly visisble in the ProjectManager. […]

GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC v0.5

Today i released version 0.5 of my Precompiler. The update includes: Bugfix: stringcontent is ignored now when parsing methodcontent. Its now possible to use single and/or multiline comments. You can now use private/protected/public to define the accessspecifiers as you do in C++ Implicit “this”. Inside a method, you no longer need to write “this” before […]

GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC V0.4

Today i finished V0.4 of my precompiler. Changes for V0.4: You can define Global vars You can define global function dummies You can define structs (its yet not possible to define values at the end) You can define (lazy) enums. You cant set custom values. Each value in an enum is unique New warnings for […]